Does Your Tween or Tween Have a Check-List for Computer Use?
Before your new young driver hits the road at 16, you as their parent instill the value of a mental check-list before your child pulls out of the driveway. Seat-belt on √, cellphone put away √, seat adjusted √, mirrors adjusted √, driver’s license √, plenty of gas √ etc. Driving requires a great deal of responsibility and awareness to make sure the experience is a safe one.
When kids log-on to the computer, parents also need to instill a kind of check-list. Site child is visiting is safe and parent approved √; child is old enough to use the social networking site they are visiting according to the terms of the site without lying about their age √; child is chatting and friending people they know in real life √; images they are posting would be acceptable for anyone to see, including college recruiters √; child is not posting personal information that could put them at risk for identity theft or put them in harms way from a predator √. The rules about safe computer use go on and on and are very important to the safety and future of your child.
Most kids using the computer are a great deal younger than the required age of 16 to drive a car. But the online risks are enormous and just like a poor decision can result in an accident in seconds that can change a life forever; a poor decision with a click can be life changing online and damage your child’s future.
So go over a check-list with your child before they use the computer, not just once but many times through out their tween/teen years. Then follow-up and make sure that they are complying with that check-list.